K-399 which showed systemic mosaic symptoms.

glutinosa, Chenopodium album and Datura alba except N. Upon ToMV inoculation, local necrotic lesion developed within 1 wk on plants of Nicotiana tabacum var. In this paper, we report characterization of a ToMV strain from naturally infected tomato in Pakistan and response of 128 diverse tomato genotypes to identify potential resistance sources in Solanum and its related wild species that can be incorporated into breeding programs. Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) is a consistent problem threatening tomato production worldwide, including Pakistan. Therefore, this study supplied us with novel tomato lines with resistance to multiple diseases, and their pyramiding inside domesticated tomato cultivars are suggested to apply in the tomato breeding programs of resistance against fungal and bacterial diseases. Theses molecular markers differentiated among 19 tomato genotypes resistant (homozygote/heterozygote) and susceptible (homozygote) to the pathogens. In this work, seven co-dominant markers targeting six resistance genes (I-1, Ve, Ph3, Cf-9/Cf-4, Rx4, and Pto) for six main diseases, respectively were determined. Therefore, selecting the tomato germplasm resistant to a specific pathogen by molecular markers closely linked to resistance loci is a desirable goal of this study. The tomato crop is exposed to serious losses due to infection with several diseases and pests, which threaten tomato production in Egypt and worldwide.