There are a few levels where stealth can be used effectively. It's quieter, and you'll save ammunition. If you must search boxes and the like, use your knife instead of a firearm. It is very rare, however, that items will be hidden inside crates.

It is important to search behind crates and other objects to find ammo, armor, and health. Occasionally, though, items will be hidden. In most cases, there is only one available path to take. The levels in the single-player game are very straightforward and linear. Nothing is worse than wasting one of your saves right as an unseen enemy throws an F1 grenade at your feet. Opposition is almost constant, so make absolutely sure that you've cleared an area before saving. The levels can be quite long, and there are very few points where you'll get a breather. If you choose to go with the limited saved games, though, try to save sparingly. You can also choose "unlimited" saves at this point, and it is highly recommended that you do so. You can, however, change the number of saved games available if you create a new game with a custom difficulty level.

Like its predecessor, Soldier of Fortune II allows you only a limited number of saved games per level. And if you aren't comfortable, remap the keys so that they make sense to you. Make sure you are comfortable with the mapped keys so that you can easily remember where things are in the heat of battle. Weapons have more functions, and there are several keys mapped to activating features such as laser sights, sniper zoom, and tactical lights. You have your typical weapon keys like primary fire mode and secondary fire mode. You have your typical movement keys such as walking, running, and jumping.

It's important that you familiarize yourself with them. Soldier of Fortune II has far more controls than your average first-person shooter. Some will be obvious to veteran first-person shooter fans, but others are very specific to Soldier of Fortune II.

What follows are a few simple strategies to use throughout the single-player game. Prague Colombia Vergara's Mansion Seaward Star Hong Kong Prison The Armory New York Kamchatka Switzerland The Shop Multiplayer Tips Cheat Codes